Today we will be talking about journeys or trips that have gone wrong and your own experiences of travelling. We will also be practising using the Past Tense in our writing.
These are some of the resouces we will be using in today's class:
Dave's email about his nightmare journey
Travel stories - reading activity
Putting travel events in order - activity
Here are the answers for those of you completing the activities outside class:
Email activity - answers
Putting travel events in order - answers
Videos - two short videos by an American teacher you might find useful – The Simple Past Tense (Part 1) – The Simple Past Tense (Part 2)
BBC SkillswiseYou can access the BBC Skillswise worksheets on using the Past Tense by clicking on the following link: Getting the tense right
Here is the link to National Rail Enquires for the Planning a Rail Journey Activity
Homework activity
Write a short paragraph about what you did at the weekend
or if you want to practice your writing skills further
Write 3 or 4 paragraphs about a journey or trip you have made in the past.
Remember to proofread your work and correct any errors in your punctuation (capital letters, full stops e.t.c) and also check you are using the correct tense and subject-verb agreement.